Bagging a first degree in Human Resources, it is natural to assume that Shadreck practices effective time management in his everyday life; living judiciously and prioritising tasks efficiently. We like to call him the poster boy for productivity. 

Surprisingly, Shadreck’s application to the Green Ambassadorship Program was not for the aim of honing his time management skills. His application was solely for one purpose. Charting a new course. In his words: “Life is dynamic, and circumstances can change unexpectedly. This has given me the flexibility in adjusting actions based on changing priorities or unforeseen challenges. By regularly evaluating my goals and actions, I can adapt and refine my approach to stay on track.”

His curiosity sustained by diverse training and mentorship sessions, the structured approach of the Green Ambassadorship Program went beyond expanding his knowledge of Climate

Change, Climate Action and the propersteps to take to create sustainable social

impact for Nature.

Instead, the fellowship was instrumental in aligning Shadreck’s goals with actionable steps. Let us read his words:

The training has effectively increased my competencies in setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. By clearly defining what I want to achieve, whether it’s personal or professional, I have a roadmap that guides my actions and decisions.

Once goals are established, the next step is to identify the specific actions required to reach those goals. I now break down goals into actionable steps that make them less daunting and more manageable.

I like to think that I can now assess which actions are most crucial in achieving my goals and prioritize them accordingly. This helps me focus my time and energy on tasks that have the greatest impact on my desired outcomes.

While going through the Green Ambassadorship Program, I noticed that the training encourages accountability by linking actions directly to goals. I extend this into real life a lot..Regularly reviewing my progress against the actions I’ve outlined keeps me accountable and motivated. If certain actions aren’t contributing effectively to my goals, I simply adjust and realign my approach.

In summary, the GAP training has been instrumental in enhancing my time management skills and enabling me to take purposeful actions towards my goals—all of which contributed to greater productivity and success in my life.”